There’s nothing wrong with being a dreamer

INSPIRATION. It’s one of those words that conjures up images of climbing mountains, coming up with amazing, groundbreaking ideas or speaking to an auditorium full of eager listeners and teaching them how to change their lives.

Those four syllables speak of dreams, of rich desires, of the unreachable… of that which we dare not hope to attain.

Or do they?

Surely, inspiration is something we all use every day, whether conscious of the fact or not. Something inspires us to get out of bed, to put one foot in front of the other, to have conversations, to Google something, to cook something delicious for dinner, to choose what to wear. Inspiration is a simple, every day thing, yet it’s a word we choose to file under ‘dreamer’ so often.

It happens all the time. We take something simple, something quite attainable, something that would make our lives so much easier and happier, and inject enough headshit (I’m sure there’s a far more eloquent word, but ‘headshit’ really does sum it up perfectly) to stop us striving for whatever that wonderful something might be.

We’re programmed, from childhood, to strive for good exam results and then aim for a nice, steady career, where we can climb the corporate ladder and live the suburban dream with a family saloon car and 2.4 kids. And that’s great. IF if happens to be YOUR dream.

Dream. Even that word has been given negative connotations by boxed-in western society. How often have we heard people described as ‘dreamers’ in the negative sense? “Oh…him. He’ll never do any good. He’s just a dreamer.”

What’s wrong with being a dreamer? Don’t dreams and inspiration go hand in hand? If more of us were encouraged to go after our dreams, if society inspired us enough to build them and live them, wouldn’t this world be a brighter place?

Those people who shake off society’s shackles and to follow their dreams have probably been dismissed as ‘dreamers’ at some point. They’ve been inspired and found the courage to believe and to see things through. And when the doubters who weren’t brave enough to follow their own dreams behold that individual’s success, they stop using their negative language and start seeing the former ‘dreamer’ as ‘inspirational’.

The acceptable western term for this, of course, is ‘entrepreneur’.

There’s a quote out there somewhere… I can’t remember the exact words, or who said it, but it warns that if you don’t follow your own dreams, you’ll end up getting a job and being employed to build someone else’s. And it’s true. There’s nothing wrong with the world of employment, there’s nothing wrong with the corporate treadmill and there’s nothing wrong with wanting the Toyota, the three bed semi and 2.4 kids, so long as it’s YOUR dream you’re living.

Just don’t be forced into society’s box if it doesn’t fit.

Dream your perfect dream
We’re not all driven by money, or by a big house, a fast car, material gain or corporate status – even if that’s what our parents want for us. Some of us carry less obvious dreams… living off the land, travelling to far away climes, going off grid, learning all we can from other cultures, singing, dancing, telling stories, connecting with spirit, rescuing neglected animals, rehoming battery hens, crafting wonderful creations, painting, drawing, surfing, swimming, fixing cars, playing music, growing fruit…. whatever inspires you is PERFECT for YOU. And if you can dream it, and if you can hold onto whatever it is that inspires you, breathe life into it and manifest it, nothing and nobody should be allowed to hold you back.

So, to come full circle, maybe we all need to recognise inspiration when it visits us. Maybe, just maybe, we need to allow it to breathe, to grow, to flourish, and then we need to grab it with both hands and dream it into something even bigger. Dreams and inspiration should be celebrated and encouraged… regardless of whether they fit nicely into a box.

As my dear heartmate said just this morning: “You don’t need to look very far to find inspiration”… you don’t, but you do need to open your eyes to see it!

Until next time,

Walk in truth & beauty,


> What inspires you? Have you felt able to follow your dreams? What might happen if you did? Leave us a comment… we’d love to hear your views.

About Taz Thornton (

Speaker | writer | firewalker | empowerment coach | shamanic artist | mentor | encourager. Debut tome underway for Moon Books. Follow me on Twitter - @TazThornton and find FirechildShamanism and TazThorntonOfficial on Facebook.
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6 Responses to There’s nothing wrong with being a dreamer

  1. Tim says:

    Nothing wrong with being a dreamer, being inspirational, motivational, or having a dream, but that must also be tempered by realism… Pure determination to do something will not necessarily make it happen, without the social circumstances or resources to facilitate that manifestation, and for some folks, they never get those breaks which would enable them to fully realise their dreams. Such people then get more depressed when their goals are ‘thwarted’, because their guru told them “Put the intent out there, and the Universe will make it happen…” and they can’t see that without that ‘ability to facilitate’, their dreams will not only remain out of reach, but then mock them as ‘failed plans’… :-\ Head in the clouds, but feet on the ground, that’s how to progress ^_^


    • Firechild says:

      I agree to a point, Tim, but I also believe that stunting dreams with society’s idea of realism also stops the flow. I believe anyone can manifest anything, but it’s no good just setting your intent & expecting the universe to do all the work.

      With powerful, clear, pure, energised intent, the universe will support us & help us manifest our dreams, but we still need to get off our backsides & do our bit to make it happen :).



      • Tim says:

        Oh for sure, people can’t just sit back and wait for it to happen, but equally, there are those who may have all the drive, passion and skill to bring their dream to fruition, but without the connections or resources to actually *do it*, that’s where things can stall, and where some then feel ‘let down by the dream’, rather than looking at it realistically… It’s a bit like these people who try and get on Simon Cowell’s talent shows, thinking that that is going to be their Big Break — I forget which 70s band member said it, but he just turned round and said that back in the day, no one told them they could do it, they just went out and *did it* đŸ˜€


  2. ARS EX ANIMO says:

    Reblogged this on ars ex animo and commented:
    I am a dreamer, and for me this is something possitive, because I don’t just sit around waiting for them to happen. I do things, I work towards their realization. However, people use the word dreamer like a swear word, an insult. Should I be proud then in working for somebody else, realizing his dreams instead of mine? Why? Will I live a second life? Nobody has to follow my path. After all, it does take a lot of courage to follow one’s dream. Courage and risk and lots of work, without anyone to say a word of encouragement. And inspite of everything, you continue to work towards the goal, even when your heart is loaded with pain and the tears are streaming down your face. But better shed tears for my own dream than shedding them for somebody else’s.


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